The children enjoy learning more about the instruments that create their favorite music. Here are several activities to help children learn more about musical instruments.
Musical Instrument Classified Cards ages 2 ½ and up
Directions: Print and cut the musical instrument classified cards for your child. Invite your child to admire them. Share the names of any instruments your child does not know.
Classified Cards with labels:

Classified Cards without labels:

Parts of the Orchestra Classified Cards ages 3 and up
Directions: Print and cut the musical instrument classified cards for your child. Invite your child to admire them. Share the names of any instruments your child does not know.

Note: We typically do not include the words on the classified cards we use in the classroom. We do not want the younger children to focus on the fact that they cannot read the names listed. However, these cards created for Learning at Home include the names so that you can more easily share the vocabulary with your children.
Musical Instrument 3 Part Cards ages 5 and up
Directions: Print and cut the three-part cards. Each form will have a classified card, a printed slip, and a control card (depicting the classified card and its associated slip). Mix up the classified cards and slips. Use your knowledge of the musical instruments to match the slips to the photos. Check your work with the control card.

Parts of the Orchestra 3 Part Cards ages 5 and up
Directions: Print and cut the three-part cards. Each form will have a classified card, a printed slip, and a control card (depicting the classified card and its associated slip). Mix up the classified cards and slips. Use your knowledge of the various instruments to match the slips to the four instrument groupings that make up the orchestra. Check your work with the control card.

Parts of the Orchestra Definition Stages 1 and 2 ages 5 ½ and up
Directions: Independently read the definitions for the parts of the orchestra. Match the description to the control card. Next, cut out the red Parts of the Orchestra labels. Read the Definition Card that is missing the term. Choose the red slip that completes the definition.

Parts of the Orchestra Definition Stage 3 ages 5 ½ and up
Directions: Review the definitions for the Parts of an Orchestra. Print and cut out the definitions of each part into strips. Use your knowledge of the part to reassemble the definitions. Use the control card or definition booklet (from Stage 1) to check your work.

Make Your Own Rain Stick ages 3 and up
Directions: Follow the instructions shown in Make Your Own Rain Stick to make your own music with this fun Rain Stick. This activity was adapted from, which is an excellent resource for arts and craft ideas for young children.

Additional Resources:
The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential’s Encyclopedic Knowledge Series offers a beautiful set of Musical Instruments information cards through The Gentle Revolution Press. These “Bit of Intelligence” cards include sets that offer information about Musical Instruments as well as Famous Composers.