The art materials are many children’s favorite classroom materials. We offer a variety of art activities that allow the children to channel their imaginations and express their creativity. We offer easel and watercolor painting, scissor exercises, collage, pastels, and drawing materials and encourage children to explore art in a way that is meaningful to them.
In the classroom, we typically focus on open-ended or process-based art. We offer the children a few key ideas that ignite their artistic creativity. There is no right or wrong way to complete these activities, and the children are free to explore their creative sides without limits or having a specific end product they must achieve. On occasion, we will offer a product-based craft (such as when we make a parent gift or create a holiday craft). These activities are still valuable, in that children learn to follow a set of instructions and can further develop skills like drawing or cutting. We do our best, however, to make sure children know that they should be proud of whatever result they create.
Art Activities
These activities are process-based and offer infinite possibilities for artistic exploration.
Leaf Rubbing ages 3 and 6 ½ 
Ideas: Gather a collection of leaves to create leaf-inspired art. Leaf rubbings are a great way to view the margins and veins of a leaf. View the PDF for a full list of supplies, instructions, and photos.

Chalks and Pastels ages 3 ½ and up 
Ideas: Chalk and pastels offer unique drawing opportunities to children. Pastels are often chalks mixed with pigments. White chalk and vibrant pastels allow children to make art using dark-colored paper. View the PDF for a list of supplies, instructions, and photos related to watercolor painting.

Painting ages 3 ½ and up 
Ideas: Introduce children to the world of painting using watercolors, tempera paints, and finger paint. Children also enjoy painting at an easel. Take care to demonstrate how to keep the colors separate and how to clean up afterward. View the PDF for a list of supplies, instructions, and photos related to watercolor painting and yarn painting.

Watercolor Yarn Art ages 4 and up 
Ideas: This unique activity uses yarn to bring texture and dimension to watercolor painting. View the PDF for a list of supplies, instructions, and photos related to watercolor yarn painting.

Printing ages 3 ½ and up 
Ideas: We can introduce to the technique of printmaking using paint and sponges, fruit, vegetables, or even balloons. Here is a simple way to introduce children to the concept of printing using an empty toilet paper roll. Print out the PDF for a list of supplies, instructions, and photos related to this style of printing.

Collage Activity ages 3 to 6 ½
Ideas: Use scissors to cut various shapes out of colored paper. Use glue and a paintbrush (or a glue stick) to affix the pieces of paper onto a larger piece of paper to create a design. Print out the PDF below for a list of supplies, directions, and photos for a Henri Matisse-Inspired or a Josef Albers- Inspired collage activity.

Weaving ages 4 ½ to 6 ½
Ideas: Weaving is a fun way for children to create unique textiles. Print out the PDF below for a list of supplies, instructions on how to create your own loom, and ideas on how to get started with weaving.

Craft Activities
These activities have a specific craft in mind and help the children further develop their fine motor skills.
Octopus Cutting Activity ages 3 to 6 ½
Ideas: This activity helps children practice their scissor cutting and fine motor skills. They can decorate their Octopus any way they choose, but there are suggestions as to how to complete this craft project. Print out the activity sheet for supplies, instructions, and pictures. Also, print the octopus template on a sheet of colored paper to get started.

Snail Collage ages 3 to 6 ½
Ideas: This snail collage is fun was for children to practice cutting with scissors and explore making patterns. Print out the activity sheet for supplies, instructions, snail template, and pictures.

Paper Strip Hand Craft ages 3 to 6 ½
Ideas: This hand-inspired project is a fun activity for children who enjoy collage. Trace your child’s hand onto a piece of paper. Cut out the handprint and invite your child to glue paper over the cut-out to create a piece of artwork. Print out the activity sheet for supplies, instructions, and photographs.

Salt Dough Handprints ages 3 to 6 ½
Ideas: This classic activity is something many adults remember doing when they were in primary school. The dough is simple to make; a set of small hands are needed to knead the dough for ten minutes! Print out the activity sheet for supplies and instructions.

Sidewalk Stained Glass ages 3 to 6 ½
Ideas: Transform your sidewalk or driveway into a work of art with this fun outdoor activity. Print out the activity sheet for supplies, instructions, and photos.

Earth Day Finger Paint Activity ages 3 to 6 ½
Ideas: Celebrate Earth Day with this fun finger painting craft. Print out the activity sheet for supplies, instructions, Earth template, and photos.

Family Watercolor Hand Print ages 3 to 6 ½
Ideas: This unique painting activity captures the hands of the entire family. Print out the activity sheet for supplies, instructions and photos.

Toilet Paper Roll Flower Printing ages 3 to 6 ½
Ideas: This unique painting activity captures the hands of the entire family. Print out the activity sheet for supplies, instructions and photos.

Toilet Paper Roll Yarn Bracelets ages 4 ½ to 6 ½
Ideas: This creative yarn activity turns empty toilet paper rolls into fashion statements. These simple bracelets can be made quickly with just a few items from around your home!

Geometry Inspired Art Activities ages 3 to 6 ½
Ideas: Explore the geometry cabinet page for other shape-inspired coloring and craft projects. A few examples include Triangle Fish Collage, Ladybug Circle Craft, Tessellations Cut and Paste, and Tessellations-draw and color, and there are many more!